Everything Connects
At Grid, we care about the future of our urban spaces. We resolve key logistical challenges and global environmental issues with our smarter technological solutions.
Grid Smarter Cities
Grid’s vision is to help enable the connected urban ecosystem to effect positive change for urban spaces in the UK and around the world.
Kerb is revolutionising how we think about the traditional world of parking management. Kerb is a dynamic, digital booking platform that makes finding a kerbside location to unload and deliver goods hassle free. Kerb manages inner-city kerb space at a hyper-local level, enabling advanced bookable loading slots that give drivers more delivery certainty and less risk of Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) charges.
By broadening the view of the kerbside from parking management only, the true extent of the kerbside ecosystem begins to unfold, as do the environmental and societal benefits.

New Virtual Loading Bay Live in collaboration with Cross River Partnership and City of London
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new Virtual Loading Bay on Watling Street with the City of London. This launch is part of our wider participation in Cross River Partnership’s Smarter Greener Logistics Trial which aims to reduce pollution and congestion in London’s hot spots.
Grid Smarter Cities Completes Cross-Docking Road-River Freight Scheme with In-depth Evaluation Report
London’s first river-road scheme which included dedicated space at the kerbside for cross-docking freight came to a successful conclusion earlier this month.
Find out more about the project and the key findings here

Get in touch for a demonstration to see how Kerb Delivery can improve congestion and reduce environmental impact.
Our Partners
We understand the importance of collaboration and working together to solve citywide challenges. We are lucky enough to work with some of the best – sharing a common goal of creating a better world through innovation.