Vehicle mapping

Smarter Greener Logistics: Trialling a Dynamic Kerbside Solution

The Smarter Greener Logistics Trial, funded by DEFRA, concluded on the 31st December 2024.

All bays in Richmond and Lambeth are still available to book.

To use these bays, please register below

Kerbside Management

Smarter Greener Logistics

Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) is a Defra-funded project led by Westminster City Council in collaboration with 25 project partners. The project aims to minimise the impact of freight on noise, air quality, traffic and pavement space in London by making improvements across 14 London boroughs and two London Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).

SGL forms part of CRP’s wider activities to encourage sustainable logistics across London, helping to improve London’s air quality and supporting CRP’s vision to make London a better place to live, work and visit.

At Grid, we are really excited to see different uses of a Virtual Loading Bay. This project with Cross River Partnership enables us to look at high streets, pedestrianised areas, different sectors and approaches to how people are delivering in quite busy and hectic spaces across London.

Laura Jacklin, Commercial Development Manager – Grid Smarter Cities

The Kerb Delivery Platform

As part of the Smarter Greener Logistics programme of solutions, Grid worked to deliver Virtual Loading Bay (VLB) options on the ground for partnering boroughs in specific locations. VLBs are flexible spaces that can be booked to deliver goods by participating operators with our Kerb Delivery booking application.

If you are a delivery operator and interested in using the VLBs, all bays in Richmond and Lambeth are still available to book.

Please register below or contact us at [email protected]

Participating local authorities

Several boroughs across London took part in the scheme.

Each borough aimed to test two VLBs, which were free to book and available for the trial period of 6 months.

Partner boroughs and VLB locations can be found below

London Borough of Camden


City of London

London Borough of Lambeth


London Borough of Richmond

How to start using the Loading Bays

Get in touch for more information on how to sign up

You will then be onboarded on to the Kerb Delivery platform

Start booking bays to carry out your deliveries

“Cross River Partnership is pleased to be working with Grid Smarter Cities to deliver a dynamic kerbside management trial as part of the Defra-funded Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) programme. The trial aims to provide SGL partners with the opportunity to test an innovative kerbside solution and improve efficiency for logistics operators and reduce London congestion and air pollution.”

Fiona Coull, Senior Programme Manager, Cross River Partnership.

Benefits of Using Virtual Loading Bays

A VLB is a digital dispensation which allows drivers to load and unload in close proximity to their delivery point at locations where loading is normally prohibited, without the risk of receiving a PCN. The locations of a VLB and time periods that access is permitted are pre-agreed with the local authority, and can work around periods that reduce impacts on the network and traffic flows.

Easier deliveries to traditionally prohibited locations

Deliveries carried out in closer proximity to the recipient’s venue

Allows businesses to schedule loading and delivery workloads

Easy to implement with no infrastructure changes necessary

Reduced damage to city infrastructure from HGVs

Greener deliveries from less time circling and idling

“Grid Smarter Cities is delighted to be a partner on the Smarter Greener Logistics project delivered by Cross River Partnership, to show the importance of Kerbside management in the future of logistics in London. This project will enable more London boroughs and logistics operators to look at the most challenging areas for deliveries and servicing trips whilst using our technology to help manage this, in turn helping reduce congestion and improve air quality.”

Laura Jacklin, Commercial Development Manager, Grid Smarter Cities.